Thursday, July 29, 2010

#2 in Horror!

"Pieces of Me" is currently #2 in Horror, #4 in Young Adult, and #8 on the Overall Booklist on!

In my more linear days I viewed 2nd place as worse than 1000th. I had a "2nd Place=1st loser" mentality, clearly a mindset aligned with more harm than good. Now I am just so thrilled and honored that people are reading and enjoying my work that I am able to better focus on gratitude and joy.

The days and weeks before my book goes to press can be unnerving, but the feedback on has proven an invaluable litmus test. I think of this often and try to stay present.

Book 2 is creaking along... Stay tuned.

Thank you and please keep reading!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Thrilled with Authonomy!

At first I thought it would be overwhelming to have people finally reading my book, but it is more visceral and exciting than I could have imagined.

Currently "Pieces of Me" is #17 on the overall booklist at It is #9 in Young Adult and #5 in Horror! Very exciting!

I am very excited to get this in print and so grateful to all that that contributed time, talent, and passion.

Please read my first 13 chapters on

Thank you!

Monday, July 19, 2010

The First Piece!

Welcome to my blog!

I will be blogging the production and promotion of my new novel, "Pieces of Me". I look forward to sharing the process with you and reading your feedback.

"Pieces of Me" offers a new heroine to the the horror/romance genre. A thinking girl's alternative, Sophie Mueller doesn't have to be rescued by a man, but takes her future into her own hands.

While there are no vampire's there are plenty of scary things!

"Pieces" is the first of a three part series, let's head down the path together... Please visit again for excerpts, events, and more.